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  Recensione X acquisto
Tempi di consegna rispettati…cappellino fantastico come da foto…però la chicca è la mail inviata nel momento in cui la merca e’ stata… spedita plus ultra..provate ad acquistare..nn so chi sia il direttore marketing o comunicazione, e’ un genio..per mese riacquisto un altro cappellino, semplicemente per ricevere ancora la mail… Ciaoooo
Published on 2024-04-13 by Carmelo
Published on 2024-08-11 by Dave
Published on 2024-08-01 by Luis Jerónimo
Published on 2024-07-24 by Susana
Published on 2024-04-27 by Miquel
Published on 2024-04-13 by Stephane
Published on 2024-02-02 by Jose
Published on 2023-12-22 by Carlos
Published on 2023-12-09 by Paulo Sergio
Published on 2023-12-09 by Paulo Sergio
Published on 2023-12-01 by David
Published on 2023-11-15 by Chris
Published on 2023-08-30 by Steven
Published on 2023-07-25 by Eliot
Published on 2023-03-08 by Rodrigo
Published on 2023-02-09 by Carlos
Published on 2023-02-04 by Cesar